Saturday, April 9, 2011

Safely Home!

Our team arrived in Charlotte this morning, with many life-changing experiences to hold and to share.  A huge THANK YOU to all who prayed for us, as the Lord protected us and blessed beyond our expectations.  Lord willing we will see you at Calvary Church on Sunday.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 6-7

The past two days have been absolutely fascinating. 

We began the day on Wednesday by visiting the traditional site of the Upper Room, where Jesus shared His Last Supper.  We then visited various sites at or near the Western Temple Wall, including the “Wailing Wall” and the City of David (describing in great detail the conquest and development of Jerusalem under King David).  Perhaps the highlight of the day was reading God’s Word, praying and singing on the Southern Temple Steps, the very same steps where Jesus walked and taught. We ended the day with a great time of sharing at the hotel.

The Southern Temple Steps
Our first stop on Thursday was the Temple Mount, site of the Temple before it was virtually demolished by the Romans in AD 70.  Though under Israeli control and surveillance, it is mostly an Islamic holy site now, including the shrine of the Dome on the Rock.  There are still remains from the Temple as it would have been when Jesus was here.  We walked over original pavement where we know our Savior walked and taught, and where He will one day walk again!

We then traveled a few miles to view Bethlehem from a peaceful overlook.  Sheep were grazing on the hillside as we read the Christmas story and sang a Christmas Carol.  What a setting!

A Great Discovery!

 In the afternoon we participated in an actual archaeological dig south of Jerusalem.  One of the eye-opening wonders of our visit here has been the realization that much excavation and discovery continues today.  Jim Mayer, one of our team members, made what was termed the ‘discovery of the year’ by one of the archaeologists when he uncovered a shard with actual writing in Aramaic, dating to the time before Christ!

There were two more stops yet to come.  First was the  Elah Valley, where David slew Goliath (1 Sam. 17).  The mountains where the Israelites and Philistines were encamped, as well as the valley where they met and the brook from which David took the stones, were all right there before our eyes. Nearby was the final stop, Beth-Shemesh, the area where Samson was born and buried, and also the spot where the ark of the covenant was returned to Israel after it had been captured by the Philistines (1 Sam. 6).

We have another full schedule tomorrow (Friday), climaxing when we share Communion at the site of the Garden Tomb.  What better way to conclude an incredible journey than to celebrate the greatest event in history!


Everyone on the team is doing well and all are grateful for the prayer support, particularly for our safety as we depart Jerusalem for home on Friday evening. We look forward to sharing our experiences with you when we arrive! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday in Jerusalem

Our first full day in Jerusalem has been overwhelming, with several very moving experiences.  We began with a visit to the Mount of Olives (Lu. 19:41-44, Matt. 24, Zech. 14) and the Garden of Gethsemane (Mt. 26:47-56), then finished the morning at the Israel Museum where the Dead Sea Scrolls are on display.  We spent the afternoon at Yad Vashem which is the Holocaust Museum.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday in Israel

A portion of our team at Masada

After a wonderful Sunday afternoon and evening of relaxation by the Dead Sea, we departed this morning for Jerusalem.  We spent the morning high up in the wilderness on a fascinating tour of Masada ("stronghold"), an important site in Israel's history as it was here that the last Jewish patriots fell to the Romans in A.D. 73.  We continued to Ein Gedi, another wilderness location where David hid while fleeing from Saul (1 Sam. 24, Ps. 57), and then on Qumran to see the location and hear of the story of the making, discovery and preservation of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  We arrived in Jerusalem around 5 PM and are preparing for our first full day in this magnificent city.  Thank you for your ongoing prayers.  We are learning much and enjoying great fellowship!

Arriving Jerusalem

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday, April 2 - The Northern Border

Teaching at Caesarea Phillipi
 We began another great day by the Sea of Galilee at the site where Jesus likely delivered his Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5-7).  What an incredible setting to read Scripture, pray and sing together!  From there we headed north to the ancient city of Dan (amazing ruins from the time of Abraham), then on to Caesarea Phillipi where Jesus declared, "Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Mt. 16:18), with additional stops and wonderful experiences too numerous too mention.  Back at our hotel we ended the day with a time of worship and praise, hearing several moving testimonies from those baptized one day ago.  The God of Abraham is at work changing lives today!

Tomorrow we leave early for a day at the Dead Sea.  We are praying for a great day of worship for our church family back home in Charlotte!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1, 2011

We enjoyed a fantastic Friday, including a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, a visit to Capernaum where Jesus perfomed many of His miracles, and a moving service where several of our team members were baptized in the Jordan River!  We are thanking God for His work among us and your prayers for us.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday, March 31 Update

We have just finished a full and exciting day of touring.  We began the day in Caesarea where Peter visited Cornelius and the Holy Spirit came to the Gentiles (Acts 10).  We also climbed Mount Meggido, viewing some remains from the time of Soloman's reign.  This spot overlooks the Jezreel Valley, a portion of which is called Armageddon (Rev. 16).  What an experience to stand and overlook such a peaceful and beautiful valley, trying to visualize some of the battles fought there and the final one to come.  We finished with a visit to Nazareth on the opposite side of the valley, a city now but an obscure village at the time of our Lord's birth, one more reminder of the humble condescension of our Sovereign Savior.  We arrived to our current hotel on the Sea of Galillee exhausted but with our souls magnifying the Lord!

Tomorrows highlights include several of our team members being baptized in the Jordan River!

Thank you for your ongoing prayers.  The team is doing well, mostly adjusted to the new time zone.